Sovana to Bolsena – Tracks and Tombs and Troglodytes … and Rain

Day 4

Sovana to San Quirico: Paths across farmland lead to an isolated church and fine Etruscan lane that descends into a gorge, from which rises crag-top Sorano. After exploring Sorano, paths along the gorge lead to the troglodyte habitations at Vitozza and the village of San Quirico (10.3 miles, 5 hours).

On the Sunday the walking began in earnest. Over 40 miles in 4 days – not bad going!

Church of San Rocco

The Abandoned Isolated Church of San Rocco


Crag-top Sorana from San Rocco Viewpoint

Via Cava San Rocco

Etruscan Lane of San Rocco

Via Cava SR tomb

Tombs along the Via Cava di San Rocco

Near the village of San Quirico (our destination on Day 4) we passed through the abandoned troglodyte village of Vitozza. This fascinating, rather eerie, place had been a medieval settlement dating back to the 12th century. There are the remains of castles, churches, and many other buildings plus many caves which were used as stables, storerooms and homes.

Troglodite homes Vitozza

Vitozza groto

Vitoza caves

Cave homes at Vitozza

Il Colombaio Vitozza

Dovecote or Columbario – 1st Century AD

Day 5

San Quirico to Bolsena: Cart tracks across farmland lead to an escarpment, where paths descend towards the small town of Latera. A climb through chestnut woods to the rim of a volcanic crater offers superb views. Tracks lead down to Lake Bolsena (10.4 miles, 5.5 hours), from where a private boat takes you across the lake to Bolsena (town).


Approaching Latera

Latera Square

We ate our picnic lunch on a bench in this square in Latera: Church of San Clemente and 1790 bell-tower

Pretty doorway in Latera

Pretty Doorway in Latera Piazza San Clemente

Leaing Latera

Leaving Latera

After leaving Latera and as we approached the crater edge with views of Lake Bolsena the rain began. Unfortunately, this meant that we were unable to take the boat trip across the lake. Annalisa had to come to our rescue and drive us round the lake to our next hotel by the lakeside at Bolsena.

A herd of sheep blocked our path

Our path is blocked by sheep – but not for too long!

Lake Bolsena in the rain

An early view of Lake Bolsena in the rain

Lake Bolsena

We arrive at the Trattoria Da Giggetto jetty


8 comments on “Sovana to Bolsena – Tracks and Tombs and Troglodytes … and Rain

  1. nilly says:

    The Spring greenery of the tracks and rocky features remind me of Yorkshire, but the wonderful town on a hillside is so timeless-looking. You could be in the Middle Ages!

    • How ever many times did we comment to each other that we felt like we were stepping through places unchanged since Medieval times! Yes, and also we made comments that we could still be in England and I was reminded of places on Yorkshire walks too. And I didn’t even take photos of those places.

  2. Red Hen says:

    Wonderful pictures. And, after all that walking, I bet the wonderful Italian food tasted even better.

  3. ms6282 says:

    I’ve been following your posts on this trip for the past few days. Only one thing to say really – I’m VERY jealous!.

  4. I think we are on the same wavelength there.

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